B2B Marketing
ROI Optimization Strategies
Business Visibility
Marketing Strategies

Brand marketing is vital in creating awareness and consideration for financial services firms. A solid brand strategy is a comprehensive approach to how a brand is perceived by its target audience. Key elements to consider in the brand strategy include brand value messaging, visual brand identity, exceptional customer experience, and thought leadership content. Benefits include differentiation, trust and credibility, effective communication, and a competitive advantage.

In a survey conducted by Boston Consulting Group with marketing leaders at 330 large B2B companies in seven industries worldwide and in-depth interviews of more than 25 executives,

97% of their respondents say that brand marketing plays a vital role in creating awareness and consideration, and 95% say that brand marketing can help a company differentiate itself from competitors.

In the dynamic financial services industry, where competition is fierce, capturing the attention and trust of potential clients is a challenge. This article explores how financial services firms can thrive in the competitive market and drive meaningful client conversions by building a solid brand strategy.

free eBook: Top 2024 ROI Marketing GTM Strategies for Financial Services.
4 Key Elements of Brand Strategy - Connect 30 Digital

4 Key Elements of Brand Strategy

Brand Value Messaging

According to a survey by Edelman, 81% of respondents stated that "trust in the brand" was a significant factor in their purchasing decisions.
Without a clear brand value proposition, clients may feel disconnected from your firm and be more inclined to switch to competitors who offer a more compelling brand experience.

Visual Brand Identity

Making an impression on your target audience starts with visual elements.
A study by LucidPress revealed that consistent branding increases revenue by 10% - 20%. Consistent visual branding resonates with your target audience, establishing its values and messaging and fostering a deeper connection based on familiarity and trust.

Customer Experience

Edelman's research revealed that 56% of customers trust brands based on customer considerations. Inconsistencies in customer service can lead to a lack of client trust and satisfaction. Providing exceptional customer experiences builds trust and confidence in your brand, and satisfied clients are more likely to recommend your firm to others.

Thought Leadership Content

According to Google, mobile financial planning and management searches have grown 70% over the past two years.
Establishing thought leadership content enhances your brand's credibility, attracts clients seeking expert guidance, and positions your company as a trusted advisor.

Learn how to implement the key elements of brand strategy with our free eBook: Future-Proofing Growth: Top 2024 ROI Marketing GTM Strategies for Financial Services. Download a free copy here.

Benefits of a Solid Brand Strategy


Trust and Credibility

Effective Communication

Competitive Advantage

Explore Strategic Branding with Connect 360 Digital

Connect 360 Digital helps financial services firms develop cohesive branding across all touchpoints. Implement a consistent brand presence that resonates with clients, fostering trust and loyalty.

A solid brand strategy is no longer optional but a necessity. Discover how our tailored solutions can help financial services firms thrive in a competitive landscape. Schedule a free consultation to elevate your brand strategy.